my sister: the first person who ever let me tell her what to wear |
When my sister and I were little, a lot of our livelihood revolved around clothing. Before we played Barbies, we had an auction with all their clothes, each bidding on the items we thought would best suit Barbie's (and our) personality for the day. ("Anybodyanybodyanybodyanybody SOLD!" was our auctioneer impression). We put on play after play, versatilely costumed in a collection of our grandma's scarves. And then there was just day to day dress up. It involved a lot of clip on earrings and tutus.
Lucky for me, my sister still lets me weigh in on her earrings. She has great style on her own, but I am her go-to before online purchases and big events. She was my very first client and muse. Here are some of the looks I've helped her with.
She even obliges me with close-ups |
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